

你是否有过那种不得不送礼物给某人却又不知道该买什么的不愉快感觉? 99% 的时候,这种不确定性不会帮助用户完成购买。


Nielsen Norman Group 对经常在网上购物的人进行的一项研究表明,当他们收到礼物时,如果是礼品卡形式的礼物,他们会更加感激。

这就是礼品卡变得越来越流行的原因,以至于 98% 的商店(不仅是虚拟商店)都使用它们来增加销量和提高客户忠诚度。

感谢 YITH WooCommerce 礼品卡,您将能够创建任意金额的礼品卡,并让您的用户可以自由购买他们真正想要的东西。


yith wooCommerce礼品卡 is an amazing plugin that allows you to sell gift cards in your WooCommerce store. As a website owner who has tried various gift card plugins, I can confidently say that the yith wooCommerce礼品卡 plugin stands out from the rest.

One of the things I love about this plugin is its ease of use. It is very easy to set up and customize. All you need to do is install the plugin and follow the simple steps to set up your gift card products. The plugin also comes with a variety of templates that you can choose from to customize the look and feel of your gift cards.

Another great thing about the yith wooCommerce礼品卡 plugin is its flexibility. You can create gift cards with fixed or varying amounts, and you can also set expiry dates for them. This is a great feature that allows you to control the sale and usage of your gift cards.

The plugin also comes with a detailed reporting system that allows you to track the sales and usage of your gift cards. This is very useful for keeping track of your revenue and ensuring that your gift cards are being used properly.

Overall, I highly recommend the yith wooCommerce礼品卡 plugin to anyone who wants to sell gift cards in their WooCommerce store. It is easy to set up and use, flexible, and comes with great reporting features.
